Collins cut, Tiger, AZ, USA, 1 microbag Creaseyite (micro bag)

Item number

The Collins Cut at Tiger AZ is the classic discovery at Mammoth St Anthony mine. Type locality for Creaseyite. This material is rich in micro green creaseyite crytsals with possible wulfenite, amethyst, vanadinite, quartz, mottramite and even lode gold. Great associations, combinations.
3/4 lb. Comes with locality info sheet, species list;

MICRO BAGS ARE LIKE A FIELD COLLECTING TRIP IN A BAG! A DAVID SHANNON CLASSIC! The material in these bags was collected because of its vuggy nature and or richness, variety of rare species and /or micro potential. But unlike a real collecting trip, I guarantee you will find something. And I think you'll have fun looking.

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shipment-weight, NOT netto weight (kg) 1.000000

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